UgCS Drone Software - JBUAS Discount Code

SPH Engineering provide a number of invaluable software packages to enable safe, effective, and efficient flight missions. If you’re thinking of buying UgCS software to support your missions with or without a sensor, take advantage of our coupon code [JBPRMUGCS] to get a significant discount over online UgCS prices.


Drone GIS

Share 4D maps with clients and team

DroneGIS is exactly that, a GIS system developed for drone survey and inspections. This tool will revolutionise drone processing and reporting with the adoption of an AI engine.

  • Scalable storage
  • 2D/3D data viewer for orthomosaics (Geotiff), DEM (Geotiff), point cloud (LAS/LAZ), gridded data (Geotiff, CSV), images (JPG, PNG), 2D/3D designs (DXF), video (MP4/AVI)
  • White labeling with users logo and corporate color of the software
  • Annotations web-editor with export/import to/from GeoJSON/KML/Shape
  • Unlimited number of registered users with group management and access control
  • Public links to shareable data for clients
  • Unlimited number of projects with progress tracking and timeline
  • Support by email

A collection of data samples can be found here: DroneGIS Samples 

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Image Inspector

Desktop software for Windows for documenting UAV-based visual inspections and generating DOCX and KMZ reports from images.

  • Applicable for asset types: Roofs, Power poles/pylons, Wind turbines, Cell towers, Buildings, Bridges
  • Annotate image regions with issues
  • Assign severity from 1 to 5
  • Comment and tag issues
  • Filter images by tag and annotation presence
  • Export DOCX report
  • Export KMZ with camera positions and images
  • No cloud access needed. Software works offline

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