Our fully approved and certified UgCS Training Course ensures our students can confidently configure and safely fly, effective automated missions. This is enabled through a comprehensive two-part programme:
Part 1 – UgCS Standard Remote 1 Day Training
- UgCS basic training (1 day) – can be skipped for students/groups with UgCS field experience
- Hardware Requirements
- Installation and components
- Simple mission planning Multi Rotor and Fixed Wing
- Connection to DJI Phantom/Inspire/Mavic etc using Android device and UgCS for DJI app
- Simulation of a mission
- using the internal UgCS simulator
- using a DJI drone in the flight simulation mode
- Viewing saved telemetry
- Photogrammetry missions planning to produce actual map and elevation data
- Using UgCS Mapper to generate orthophoto map and DSM, and import map and DSM back into UgCS
- Import/export of KML, maps, missions, routes, telemetry
- Working offline (without internet)
- Practical exercise – execute a photogrammetry mission and produce map and elevation
- data for a training area, then import map and elevation back into UgCS
- More UgCS functions
- Vehicle profiles
- Camera profiles
- Operations with a route (duplicate, route to waypoints, etc.
Please note, Part 1 is a Prerequisite for Part 2 – Face to Face Training (below).
When our students have completed their Part 1 remote learning, they are ready for their hands-on practical. This is a half day session, which enables students to put theory in to practice.
Part 2 – UgCS Standard Training – 1/2 Day Face-to-Face Practical
- Opportunity to bring your own drone and complete an operation (data set output).
- Basic UAS best practice overview
- Hardware connectivity and hands on set up
- Assessment of associated site risks and mitigation
- Route planning in the field
- Flight termination due to emergencies
- One-to-one hands-on support and questions answered
The Face-to-Face Practical Training (Part 2) will be conducted at Newark or Peterborough depending on schedules and availability.
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